The Rabbit In The Hole

So there is a commercial on the radio for a christian financial institution that goes something like this (I actually am going to expand it a little for this post)

This rabbit falls into a deep hole and can not find a way out, so he starts screaming “Help me, help me!”

A bird flies by and says “I can fly out so here have some feathers so that you can too.” and throws some feathers down.

A tiger comes by and hears the rabbit yelling “Help me, I am stuck in this hole!”  And the tiger says I climb up the side with my claws, so here.”  and he throws a claw down to the rabbit.

Exhausted from yelling, the rabbit is losing his voice, but still whispers “Help me, I am stuck down here.”

His rabbit friend hears him and jumps down into the hole to be with his friend.  To which the first rabbit says “Why did you do that?  Now we are both stuck down here.”  But His friend replied, “Oh no we aren’t, I was stuck in this hole before and I remember the way out.”

Here is MY moral to this story…

God helps you get out of the holes so that you can help someone else when they are stuck in it.

We all go through hardships in our lives, and we all have SURVIVED them, but we need to help others when they need help as well.

Real Life Example

I started smoking when I was 12, and I smoked for twenty-three years.  Many times I realized I was stuck in that hole of smoking and could not find a way out.  The world told me that I could just quit cold turkey (feathers), and I tried it, never could get of the ground. Doctors suggested things like patches or nicotine gum (claws) but they never did anything for me.  Then one day I was at church, and the pastor said the spirit said he was just to have a prayer service where anyone that had an issue could come and pray at the altar to God.  The holy spirit talked to me (my friend) and told me to go to the altar.  I knelt at the altar and prayed “God, I want to be able to serve you better, but I do not know how.” Immediately the spirit moved me, I went out to my car and grabbed a carton and a half of cigarettes I had and my lighter, I brought them in and placed them on the altar and said “God, please take this habit from me.”  And I have never touched one since.  Now the real rabbit friend is the one that brought me to that church, the one that knew the spirit moved within that building, and, of course, the spirit that told the pastor that this was what was needed.  Over the last eighteen years, any time I hear someone mention that they need to quit smoking, and everything they tried does not work… I say “Well, I can tell you how I did it, and I have not had one since… I gave it to God!”

Prayer Time

Lord, we are constantly falling into holes and getting stuck, but you know someone that has been there before us.  Please send them into our lives so that we can learn how to get out from them and later be able to teach others how to get out of those holes.  Lord, please also help us to see through the false hope efforts that are brought to us from the world, or for those that do not have our best interest in mind.  Help us to truly seek your ways for yours are permanent and trustworthy.  Lord, I lift up all those that are struggling with addictions right now, help them to seek the help they need, guide them into your pathways so that they can find the way out.  Lord, I ask that you shed your light into their path so that they may see the true nature of the hole that they are in.

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